Website Accessibility

If you are creating a website for your students, becoming aware of best practices and techniques related to website development will help you create an accessible website! It is important to recognize that websites are specifically designed and programmed so that people with disabilities can use them. Follow along with this learning module to help you learn core components that will help you produce an accessible website for your students.

In this short learning module, you will learn the foundation of website accessibility. This learning model covers (1) Alternative Text, (2) Color & Contrast, (3) Headings, (4) Assistive Technology.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 30 minutes


Category: Educational Technology


Course Instructor

Aidan Aumell Aidan Aumell Author

Aidan Aumell is a master’s student in the Education Curriculum and Instruction Program at Washington State University. Prior to his enrollment in graduate school, Aidan received a bachelor’s degree in Digital Technology and Culture from Washington State University. Aidan works in the VR2GO Lab with Dr. Don McMahon to help design and maintain Aidan has a wide range of interests focusing on education and technology. He is passionate about working with website development, digital design, e-learning, emerging technology, video production, learning management systems, and graphic design.

Website Accessibility Course