Watch Dr. Don McMahon demonstrate how to use the accessibility tools built into IOS devices to support students with disabilities. This video was recorded at the VR2GO lab at Washington State University.
About The Author

Don McMahon, Ph.D.
Dr. Don McMahon is an Associate Professor of Special Education at Washington State University in Pullman, WA. His research interests include, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Inclusive Post secondary education, Wearable devices, Universal Design for Learning, Assistive Technology, and Instructional technology. At WSU Don McMahon coordinates the VR2GO Lab. He is one of the faculty mentors for the WSU ROAR postsecondary education program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities at Washington State University.
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Don graduated from the Special Education Ph.D. program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Don was a special education teacher for 7 years and then became an instructional Co-teaching coach for general education and special education teachers. Don is a national presenter providing professional development sessions for both general educators and special educators on using mobile devices in education. Don attended the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Universal Design for Learning Summer Institute. Don’s work has been featured in invited podcasts, television and print features, and invited presentations.