Denise Isler, a fourth-grade teacher from Saltar’s Point Elementary in Steilacoom Historical School District #1, discusses how student surveys can help support and strengthen her profession as an educator. This video was recorded at the 2018 TPEP Best Practices Colloquium during the “Learning from our Students” presentation.
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Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP)
The Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP) supports student achievement through a focus on teaching excellence. We don’t believe good teaching happens by accident, but that high-quality teaching occurs when there is a strong system and a strong profession that supports teachers. CSTP is a unique, innovative and independent Washington state nonprofit organization that helps build a strong, supported and effective teaching force for Washington’s students. Since 2003, we have and continue to promote state and local policies and practices to help thriving, professional educators positively impact student learning.